Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Donate Blood in Support of Pat Wall ’76

EHS student Alex Thomas ’17 and alumnus Kevin Thomas ’15 have made a special appeal to Edgewood alumni in Madison for your help in giving the gift of life. As youth coordinators for the American Red Cross Blood Donor Club at Blessed Sacrament Parish they have organized a blood drive in honor of Patrick Wall ’76 on August 4. The goal is 50 units for this drive. 

Patrick was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and was lucky enough to find a donor match within his family and had a bone marrow transplant in April.

If you are in the Madison area, please donate blood at this local drive and show your support for both Patrick and the Red Cross. You can sign up in advance by entering sponsor code BlessedSacramentMdsn at redcrossblood.org. (While walk-ins are welcome, signing up ahead of time will help the Red Cross send adequate staff to help prevent delays.)

The drive will take place on Tuesday, August 4 in the Friary Room at Blessed Sacrament School, 2112 Hollister Ave. in Madison, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

The need for blood donations goes up significantly during the summer months as many regular donors are traveling, while the need for emergency care often goes up and for chronic care transfusions remains constant. If you live elsewhere in Wisconsin or the country, please watch for area blood drives as they are held in your area and contribute. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need contributed blood at some point in our lifetime. Only volunteer donors can fulfill the need for patients in our community. 

Thank you! 

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